Preparing Your Nappies

Prior to using your Bonnibuns nappies the bamboo trifold/insert requires soaking in a bucket of water to help it reach its maximum absorbency. Simply place any trifolds/inserts into a bucket of water and leave overnight. After soaking, wash on a normal wash cycle with nappy shells and line dry.


  1. Place any solids into the toilet.
  2. Hand rinse nappy and store in a dry nappy bucket/container which allows air flow to prevent mould, smells and fabric deterioration.
  3. Use a short prewash cycle on your washing machine with half strength of recommended detergent for a heavily soiled load.
  4. Wash nappies on a long wash (up to 60 degrees) cycle with recommended detergent quantity for heavily soiled load.
  5. Line dry bamboo trifolds/inserts with the inner facing the sun for best results. Line dry nappy shells inside or in the shade. Inserts/boosters may be tumble dried on a low heat however it isn’t recommended long term as it can shorten the life of your nappies.